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Mike Gillette is a Speaker, Best-Selling Author, and Peak-Performance Coach with a life story that reads like an action-adventure novel. A life which includes time spent as an Army Paratrooper, SWAT Commander, Government Counter-Terrorism Expert, Bodyguard to Fortune 100 Executives and a Record-Breaking Strongman whose feats have been documented by Guinness World Records and Ripley’s Believe it or Not.

As both a practitioner and purveyor, he is a pioneer in the field of mind and body development. Through workshops and one-on-one coaching, Mike Gillette teaches proprietary methods for break-through improvements in mental performance. And thanks to his books and DVDs, Mike’s methods are used in nearly 50 countries worldwide.

Coach Moreau specifically sought Mike’s services in the development of Strength U because, as he says:


“As a Head Coach at the Division I level I was exposed to, contacted by and routinely fielded requests from sports psychologists to work with our athletes. After carefully evaluating their material I was always left with the same question, how do I, or my athletes, apply this theory in a practical manner? The first time I heard Mike speak and present his proven strategies to PRACTICALLY APPLY the theory I had heard before I was floored!


Perhaps more importantly, he is not merely an academic who has never “walked the walk”. Mike’s background, training, and record-setting accomplishments provide credibility and command instant respect. Quite simply I would have loved to have had Mike work with each and every athlete I have ever trained, period.


The addition of Mike Gillette’s Mental Performance Training provides an invaluable tool to ANY athlete and I am thrilled to have him as part of the Performance Team at Strength U!”


  • Bodyguard to Fortune 100 CEOs, domestically and abroad
  • Author of the book “Mind Boss: Using the Tenets of Tough Thinking to Take Charge of Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life”
  • Author of the book “Rings of Power: The Secrets of Successful Suspension Training”
  • Co-Author of the book “The Seven Paths to Success: A Behind the Scenes Look at Success & Getting Everything You Want”
  • Developed ‘Behavior Assessment Program’ for Walt Disney Company
  • Former Director of Training, Institute for Security Studies; University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Former Director of Training, National Law Enforcement and Security Institute
  • Featured in numerous media outlets including Forbes Magazine, The New York Post, CBS-TV, Chicago Tribune, Black Belt Magazine and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
  • Developer of the “Strength Psychology” Instructional Program.
  • Nutritionist for the cast of reality television show “Fight Girls”
  • Inventor of the “BEAST (Bowed, Ergonomic, Adjustable Strength-Training) Bar”
  • Certified Hypnotist – International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Instructor Credentials in over 25 Force Management Topics
  • Member of Martial Arts Masters Hall-of-Fame